W ramach projektu ‘Pandora–Discovering European Opportunities for Female Entrepreneurship’ dołączyła do nas Beyza od naszego partnera z Turcji – Yenimahalle Municipality. Beyza zostanie z nam do grudnia i miała już szansę poznać naszych partnerów z projektu FLOWY, którzy odwiedzili Warszawę w zeszłym tygodniu, pomagała i uczestniczyła także w organizowanej przez nas Konferencji EUROPA+AZJA Młodzież w strategiach CSR, która odbyła się 11 października.
Oto krótka wiadomość od Beyzy:
Hi Everyone,
I am Beyza from Ankara, Turkey and it has been one week since I came to Warsaw. When I came to Warsaw, they welcomed me at the airport and we went directly to meet the team of Fundacja Autokreacja. At the beginning, I was a bit worried, but after I met them I was relieved. Because they are so nice to me here and I feel like I am a part of their team. Also I loved Warsaw very much because you can find here both history and modernism.
I want to talk a little about myself. I have been working for Yenimahalle Municipality at International Relations and European Union Office for almost 3 years. We have a team which includes 5 people and we are writing/conducting some national and international projects for the generally disadvantaged people at the office. Also, we provide some trainings that people need.
I believe that in this two months, I will learn lots of things from the team of Fundacja Autokreacja and we will do good stuff together. I am already very excited for the rest of the days…
[:en]As part of ‘Pandora–Discovering European Opportunities for Female Entrepreneurship’ project we’re more than happy to host Beyza from our partner in Turkey – Yenimahalle Municipality. Beyza will stay with us till December. She already had a chance to meet our FLOWY project partners who came to Warsaw last week and helped us with EUROPE+ASIA Conference Youth oriented CSR that we organized on 11th October.
Here is a short message from her:
Hi Everyone,
I am Beyza from Ankara, Turkey and it has been one week since I came to Warsaw. When I came to Warsaw, they welcomed me at the airport and we went directly to meet the team of Fundacja Autokreacja. At the beginning, I was a bit worried, but after I met them I was relieved. Because they are so nice to me here and I feel like I am a part of their team. Also I loved Warsaw very much because you can find here both history and modernism.
I want to talk a little about myself. I have been working for Yenimahalle Municipality at International Relations and European Union Office for almost 3 years. We have a team which includes 5 people and we are writing/conducting some national and international projects for the generally disadvantaged people at the office. Also, we provide some trainings that people need.
I believe that in this two months, I will learn lots of things from the team of Fundacja Autokreacja and we will do good stuff together. I am already very excited for the rest of the days…